Thursday, August 4, 2011

My car has been stalling when idling and now even when I'm driving?

ok so I have a 92 Chevy Lumina and... It won't idle. I have been having to put my foot on the brake and put my other foot slightly on the gas to keep it running while I'm stopped... Well recently it has been getting worse and now it even stalls while in driving (not good while going 50 mph down US41 ) and it also while I'm drivinf will like "stutter"... It feels kinda like the engine is jumping and it happens every once in a while... Usually it will happen then again and again every few seconds like 5 or 6 times... Any ideas what could be wrong... I know I should bring it to a mechanic but I would like to see if it's fixable without spending alot because I'm 17 and don't have alot of money right now (less hours) but anyways please any help would be appreciated


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